World Mods:

- Added a "Panel" to the top of the UI.

- Added shadows to all text

- Added a Timer text box to Top-Right UI

- Re-Added Gravity

- Changed Background sprite

- Changed Coins sprite

- Changed UFO player sprite

- Added Boost Bar to UI

- Added platforms

- Made camera slightly above player

Code Mods:

- Made coins float up and down via a sin graph

- Made "check game condition" function to automatically check if game has been won or lost

- Made "public int minWinCount" so I can set the required number of coins to win.

- Added "TextShadow" script so that I can add dynamic shadows to text in the UI.

- Added "Timer" script that counts up from the start in seconds to the nearest hundredth place, stops and turns green when game is done

- UFO Vertical force is multiplied by 4, making it stronger than the horizontal forces

- UFO force cannot go down: Vertical force has a minimum of 0

- Made UFO have a boost amount that goes up naturally and goes down while pressing up, boost allows player to move up

- Made a boost meter that's size is proportional to the UFO boost meter

- UFO cannot be moved after game is won

- Coins float based on x axis: a la a wave

- Made Camera zoom in and out

CategoryGame mod
Made withUnity

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